How to Cut a Log Lengthwise with a Chainsaw In 5 Easy Steps

If you are searching for how to cut a log lengthwise with a chainsaw, you are in the right place. From creating lumber for woodworking projects to preparing firewood, cutting logs lengthwise can be a versatile skill. In this article, we will discuss techniques and safety measures for woodworking. Whether you are a pro or a beginner, Our guide provides essential skills and knowledge. Also, we will talk about additional safety tips and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and answer them.

Step 1: Choosing the Right Chainsaw 

Before you begin, selecting the right chainsaw is crucial. follow those factors:

  • Size and Weight: Choose a chainsaw that is perfect for the size of the logs you plan to cut. It is critical to match your physical strength with the chainsaw. Generally, a chainsaw range is 10 to 20 pounds (4.5 to 9 kg) the size and weight.
  • Engine Power: The power of a chainsaw is measured in cubic centimeters (cc) or horsepower (HP). Opt for a chainsaw with adequate power to handle the task efficiently.

Step 2: Safety Precautions 

Safety is always the top priority when using a chainsaw. Wear the following safety gear:

  • Safety glasses or a face shield to protect your eyes from flying debris.
  • Ear protection, as chainsaw noise is loud.
  • Gloves providing high protection to secure your grip and shield from splinters.
  • It protects your head from falling debris.
  • Chainsaw chaps or pants to safeguard your legs from accidental cuts.
  • Sturdy boots with steel toes for foot protection.

Step 3: Preparing the Log 

Before making any cuts, take the following steps to prepare the log:

  • Choose a log that is stable and free from obstructions or debris.
  • Measure and mark the lengthwise cut you intend to make with a pencil or crayon.

Step 4: Making the Lengthwise Cut 

Now, let’s delve into the process of making the lengthwise cut with your chainsaw:

Safety Check: Ensure your safety gear is worn correctly and your chainsaw is in good working condition.

  • Starting the Chainsaw: Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for starting your chainsaw. The starting procedure can vary between models.
  • Positioning the Chainsaw: Align the chainsaw bar with the marked line on the log.
  • Cutting Technique: Use a smooth, controlled motion to guide the chainsaw through the log. Maintain a firm grip on the chainsaw, but allow the sharp teeth of the chainsaw chain to do the cutting work. Avoid forcing the chainsaw through the wood.
  • Safety First: Exercise caution as you approach the end of the log. Allow the chainsaw to completely stop before setting it aside, and prevent any sudden movements.

Step 5: Additional Safety Tips 

  • Avoid cutting near obstacles, and always be aware of your surroundings. 
  • Be cautious of kickback, a sudden and dangerous reaction that can occur when the chainsaw blade contacts a hard object. 
  • To avoid kickback, maintain control over the chainsaw blade and stay aware of your surroundings. 
  • before proceeding to the next cut Stop the chainsaw and remove it carefully from the cut.


Is it safe for beginners to cut logs lengthwise with a chainsaw? 

While beginners can learn how to cut logs lengthwise with a chainsaw, it’s essential to prioritize safety and seek proper guidance. Start with smaller logs and practice under the supervision of an experienced user to build confidence and skills gradually.

Can you cut a log lengthwise without a chainsaw? 

Yes, you can cut logs lengthwise without a chainsaw. To cut a log lengthwise without a chainsaw, you can use a wedge and mallet, a froe and maul, or an axe. Wear safety gear and use a sharp tool. 

Can you cut a log in half lengthwise with a chainsaw? 

Yes. By following the step, you can use a chainsaw to cut a log in half lengthwise.

Can I use a chainsaw for cutting logs lengthwise? 

You can use most chainsaws for this task, but it’s crucial to choose one that matches the size and power requirements of the logs you plan to cut. Select a chainsaw with an appropriate bar length and engine power to ensure efficient and safe cutting.

How do I prevent kickback when cutting logs lengthwise with a chainsaw? 

When using a chainsaw, kickback can be a problem. Hold the chainsaw tightly and avoid the bar’s tip to keep the chain sharp. Please heed the warnings about safety that your chainsaw’s maker has provided.

What should I do if I encounter a log with knots or other irregularities while cutting lengthwise? 

Logs with knots or irregularities can be challenging to cut lengthwise. Exercise caution and be prepared for the chainsaw to react unpredictably. It’s often best to avoid cutting through knots and focus on the smoother portions of the log to ensure safer and more precise cuts.

Can I use the wood I cut lengthwise with a chainsaw for woodworking projects? 

Yes, you can use wood cut lengthwise with a chainsaw for various woodworking projects. For the lumber to be sized and smooth, you will have to process it further. The wood should also be dried and seasoned properly before being used for woodworking.


In this guide on how to cut a log lengthwise with a chainsaw, we’ve emphasized the importance of selecting the right chainsaw and prioritizing safety with proper gear. Preparing the log and making the lengthwise cut require precision. Additional safety tips, such as avoiding obstacles and kickbacks, are essential. Beginners can learn this skill with proper guidance and practice. Alternatively, logs can be cut lengthwise without a chainsaw using different tools. The wood you obtain can be used for woodworking projects after appropriate processing and seasoning.

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