Why are Track Saws so Expensive

Woodworking and construction utilize electric track saws, also known as plunge saws. The price of this product is gradually rising today. Why are track saws so expensive? We have to know the reason behind it perfectly. A track saw is a precision and efficient machine, without a doubt. Due to their high cost, they are often perceived as unreliable. These factors make track saws more expensive than circular saws. Understanding track saws can give you a better understanding of precision woodworking.

Understanding track saws

What is a track saw?

This portable tool allows for precise and straight cuts, especially in wood. You can also call them plunge saws. When using a track saw, you can guide and control the cutting process. This track ensures the blade moves straight, so it’s supremely accurate.

Components of a Track Saw

  • Saw Motor: Powers the blade so it can cut through things.
  • Circular Blade: Usually has fine-toothed blades for precision cutting.
  • Guide Rail/Track: The track saw’s key feature. Because of this, the saw cuts in a straight line.
  • Depth Adjustment: Adjusts the blade’s cutting depth to suit a variety of materials.
  • Safety Features: Track saws have blade guards and riving knives.

Features and Advantages

  • Precision Cutting: Track saws are great for woodworking, carpentry, and other precision cuts.
  • Portability: Professionals and hobbyists will love these saws. You can use them when you want.
  • Versatility: Track saws cut plastic, laminate, plywood, and metal.
  • Clean Cuts: Track saws are guided, and their blades are good, so they tend to make clean cuts.


  • Carpentry and Woodworking: You can use it to make furniture, cabinets, and more.
  • Construction and Remodeling: Installs doors, floors, panels, and more.
  • DIY Projects: They are perfect for hobbyists and DIY enthusiasts.


  • Cost: It’s more expensive because of the guide rail system and precision engineering.
  • Not Ideal for All Cuts: Track saws are good for straight cuts but not so great for bevels.

When one learns how to use track saws, they become valuable tools for woodworking and construction jobs.

Reasons for the high price

They’re usually expensive. Track saws cost a lot more than circular saws. It makes you wonder: Why are track saws so expensive?

It’s all about manufacturing complexity, premium materials, and advanced features. The cost breakdown of a track saw breaks down each of these factors.

Manufacturing Complexity:

A track saw is more precise and functional than a circular saw. A few of the features included here are:

  • Plunge mechanism: The retractable blade provides superior control and safety over traditional circular saws.
  • Guide track: This reduces the risk of mistakes and ensures straight and accurate cuts.
  • Dust collection port: captures dust particles during cutting, improving workshop air quality.
  • Anti-kickback features: They make sure the saw doesn’t suddenly pull back towards the user.
  • High-quality bearings and gears: They’ll keep things running smoothly, reduce vibration, and last longer.

Due to their complexity, track saws are more expensive.

Premium Materials:

Track saws usually use steel, aluminum, and magnesium. This circular saw is lighter and stronger than many plastic ones. Often, manufacturers use proprietary materials or coatings for durability.

Advanced Features:

It’s got electronic speed control, soft starts, overload protection, and laser guidance. The features make cutting safer, more accurate, and better for the user.

Targeted Audience:

Those who want precision and performance should buy track saws. These users want a tool that delivers consistent results. Niche markets let manufacturers charge a premium.

Brand Reputation:

For quality, innovation, and reliability, the woodworking industry relies on Festool and Mafell. As a result of their brand recognition, they can charge more for their track saws.

Cost Breakdown:

Track saws cost about what you’d expect:

  • Manufacturing costs: 40-50%
  • Materials costs: 20-30%
  • Research and development: 10-15%
  • Marketing and advertising: 10-15%
  • Profit margin: 5-10%

Comparing Track Saws with Alternative Tools

Precision and versatility make track saws an innovative cutting tool. Their high cost often prompts comparisons with alternatives like circular saws and table saws. In contrast to these alternatives, track saws have distinct advantages and limitations.

Track Saws vs. Table Saws

Advantages of Track Saws:
  • Portability: Track saws are portable, so you can work anywhere.
  • Precision Cuts: Track saws make straight, guided cuts more quickly, especially on large sheets.
  • Safety: Track saws have safety features like blade guards and riving knives, like table saws.
Advantages of Table Saws:
  • Versatility: A table saw can cut bevels, dadoes, and joinery effectively.
  • Power and Stability: They can handle heavier materials with big work surfaces.
  • Speed and Efficiency: A table saw can make repetitive cuts faster once it’s set up.
  • Workspace and Budget: If you have a tight budget or limited space, track saws are better.
  • Task Specificity: Which one to choose depends on the job. There’s nothing better for straight cuts and portability than a table saw.

Track Saws vs. Circular Saws

Advantages of Track Saws:
  • Guided Accuracy: Because a track saw uses a guide rail, it’s just as precise as a circular saw.
  • Ease of Use: No matter your level of expertise, you can use them.
  • Clean Cuts: Track saws produce cleaner cuts, especially on finished surfaces.
Advantages of Circular Saws:
  • Versatility: Circular saws can handle a variety of cutting angles and tasks.
  • Cost Effectiveness: Circular saws are usually cheaper so that its affordable.
  • Precision vs. Versatility: Circular saws and track saws often come down to guided precision vs. versatility.
  • Project Requirements: Track saws are great for projects that require precise, straight cuts. For different cutting jobs, circular saws are better.

Knowing how track saws differ from circular saws and table saws can help users decide. In the woodworking and construction world, every tool has its own advantages.


Are track saws worth the price?

The price of a track saw depends on your needs and budget. Woodworkers and people who need precise cuts often benefit from track saws. Circular saws are better for occasional DIY projects, however.

Are cheaper track saws available?

Brands like Makita and Bosch make more affordable track saws. Despite its lack of bells and whistles, it still cuts well.

Can I build my own track saw system?

Building your own track saw system can be challenging and time-consuming. Compatibility, accuracy, and safety are hard to find. A ready-made system might be cheaper, too.

Are there any alternatives to track saws?

You can use a circular saw or jigsaw with guide rails for less money. In terms of precision, versatility, and ease of use, track saws win out.


A track saw is a good investment for any woodworker. They’re indispensable tools despite their price tag. By understanding their craftsmanship, technology, and materials, you can maximize their value. A plethora of reasons why track saws are so expensive, and how  to mitigate these costs. This article will be useful to you.

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